1. [The name of the Society shall be known as Sand Dunes School Alumni (S.D.S.A.)
2. [The Regd. office of Sand Dunes School Alumni will be situated at Vivek Vihar, New Sanganer Road, Sodala, Jaipur, Rajasthan
3. The objects for which the Society shall be established are:
a) To spread education and for achieving the said project to establish, maintain, run, develop and improve, extend, grant education and assist in the establishment, maintenance, running, developing, improving, extension of schools, workshop, for the benefit of the poor.
b) To establish, maintain or acquire library or libraries for the benefit of the student community.
c) To conduct poor feeding and generally give food and raiment to the poor, needy and disabled persons, and to afford/provide relief to people in distress due to natural calamities, accident, earthquake, flood, famine and conduct or grant donations for the support of orphanages and welfare institutions.
d) To carry on community development for the upliftment of the economically weaker sections of the society and also construct and develop community centres or halls for carrying on such activities to provide food, shelter, clothing, medical care and education for the needy.
e) To acquire, establish, start, aid, run, maintain or manage schools, libraries, hospitals for the benefit of the public.
f) To arrange and organise lectures, debates, discussions, seminars & excursions for the diffusion of knowledge.
g) To publish or cause to be published useful literatures, papers, magazines, books [and also electronic media] etc.
h) To promote and encourage advancement of literary, cultural, political, religious, scientific and technical education.
i) To help the needy students of all communities for the promotion of studies.
j) To engage and assist in philanthropic activities as may be deemed appropriate by the Governing Body of the Society.
k) To collect donation and subscriptions for the purposes of the society.
l) To do all such things as may be deemed incidental or conductive to the attainment of the foregoing objects.
m) To establish and manage trusts and endowment funds for charitable and philanthropic purpose.